Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production Growth Quarter IV 2018 (Q to Q) Increased 1.56 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Serang Municipality

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Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production Growth Quarter IV 2018 (Q to Q) Increased 1.56 Percent

Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production Growth Quarter IV 2018 (Q to Q) Increased 1.56 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 4, 2019
File Size : 0.28 MB


  •  Large Medium Manufacturing Industry Production Growth Quarter IV 2018 (Q to Q) increased 1.56 percent compared to Quarter III 2018. 
  • The Y-on-Y growth of IBS Quarter IV production in 2018 is 3.45 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2017. 
  • The type of industry that experienced the highest increase was the base metal industry of 14.08 percent. While the industry which experienced the largest decline was the non-metal quarrying industry -9.12 percent. 
  • Nationally, the growth of IBS production in the fourth quarter of 2018 compared to the third quarter of 2018 (Q to Q) grew by 0.90 percent. 
  • While on a Y-on-Y basis the growth of the National Medium Large Industry (IBS) grew 3.90 percent.
  • The production growth of the Micro and Small manufacturing industry in Banten in the fourth quarter of 2018 (Q-to-Q) grew by 0.67 percent.
  • While on Y-on-Y (Quarter IV 2018 compared to Quarter IV of 2017) the growth of production of the micro and small manufacturing industries of Banten grew by 1.17 percent.
  • The industries that experienced the highest increase were the YTDL machinery and equipment industry 11.63 percent and the largest decline was the base metal industry -8.59 percent
  • National Micro Small Industry (IMK) production growth in Q-to-Q reached 1.24 percent.
  • Production Growth Y-on-Y National Micro Small Manufacturing Industry reached 5.38 percent.
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