1. In June 2023 there was year on year (yoy) inflation in Serang city of 3.72 percent with a CPI of 119.43 June 2023 month to month (mtm) inflation in Serang city of 0.11 percent.
2. Year on year (yoy) inflation in Serang City occurred due to price increases as indicated by an increase in the index of 10 expenditure groups, namely the transportation group by 14.50 percent; personal care and other services group of 3.88 percent; the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 3.1 percent; the recreation, sports and culture group by 2.92 percent, the food, beverage and tobacco group by 2.75 percent; the group providing food and drink/restaurants by 2.50 percent; the health group by 2.40 percent; equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group of 1.13
percent; the clothing and footwear group by 1.02 percent, and the education group by 0.91 percent. Meanwhile, the information, communication and financial services group experienced a deflation of 0.35 percent.
3. Inflation month to month (mtm) in Serang City occurred due to price increases as indicated by an increase in the index of 7 expenditure groups, namely the food, beverage and tobacco group by 0.36 percent; the recreation, sports and culture group by 0.22 percent; the education group by 0.2 percent; the information, communication and financial services group of 0.17; the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 0.13 percent; the clothing and footwear group by 0.04 percent; the food and beverage/restaurant supply group by 0.02 percent.
Meanwhile, the group that experienced a decline in index (deflation) was the transportation group by 0.32 percent; personal care and other services group by 0.18 percent; equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance group by 0.08 percent, and the health group by 0.01 percent